moody =(

woke up..then followed my father go to shop..
while the journey going to shop..some body told me sumthng..
and we argued..he dun und my feeling..damnly sad..fine la..
then i arived shop juz with tanjong malim old friends
quite funny la them...and then 5 p.m sumthng "A" came and find me
in my sumthng..haiz..hope my thngs will settle immediately..
nearly everyday oso suffering sumthng...ish..hate those days..
then 6sumthng my idiot brother came shop too..
hate to see him..cuz he sure fight with me for the lap top..
always play dota..hate boys play dota too..adict on it till mad cow like that..
huh..playing cafe world..then he came and kacau me..then..what to do..
gave him play lo..ish..the someone dint text me..waiting for...........